Become a strategic powerhouse

Start optimizing your FP&A processes today 🔥

Become a strategic powerhouse
Become a strategic powerhouse

Start optimizing your FP&A processes today 🔥

4 weeks

to be fully onboarded onto the platform with full autonomy

95% reduction

in time spent preparing reports, going from 2 days to 1 hour


budget owners who will be using Abacum for monthly reporting

4 weeks

to be fully onboarded onto the platform with full autonomy

95% reduction

in time spent preparing reports, going from 2 days to 1 hour


budget owners who will be using Abacum for monthly reporting

4 weeks

to be fully onboarded onto the platform with full autonomy

95% reduction

in time spent preparing reports, going from 2 days to 1 hour


budget owners who will be using Abacum for monthly reporting


Disorganized data collection that slowed down decision making

After two years of operations and expanding into multiple business entities, the company’s financial process had grown in complexity, making it difficult to manage monthly reporting.

Consolidating, cleaning, and presenting data from a variety of data sources became increasingly time-consuming for Dr. Smile’s Head of FP&A, Pierina Nuques.

The goal was to automate the consolidation of the seven legal entities, enabling the FP&A team to drive decision-making through management performance analysis and insightful visuals shared with key stakeholders.


A fast onboarding experience

In order for the team at Dr Smile to create fast reports and revamp their internal processes, they needed a speedy onboarding process that could have their users adopt the platform in no time.

The onboarding process with Abacum was fast and efficient. Their implementations team provided us with the full support needed to use the platform for our month-end reporting, freeing up a lot of time from manual work.

Pierina Nuques, Head of FP&A at Dr. Smile

During the onboarding process, Abacum’s dedicated support team led a series of training sessions to educate Pierina and her team on the different features and functions of the platform. They were also given tasks to practice outside of these sessions to improve product adoption and comprehension.

This in-depth training process along with weekly status updates allowed Pierina to fully understand the reporting capabilities within Abacum while also allowing her to be autonomous for all her financial reporting needs.


Less time spent on reporting and more time spent on driving decisions

After the first four weeks, they were able to cut their month-end reporting time from almost two full days of work to just an hour. The Abacum platform completely automated their data consolidation process, which in turn allowed the team to spend more time on value-added analysis to support strategic decision-making among senior management.

Nowadays, Pierina can not only create reliable month-end reports fast, but she is also able to collaborate with key stakeholders over vital metrics that make up the inner workings of the organization.

With greater insights, Dr Smile’s finance team can now paint a clearer picture of the company’s overall financials, help senior leadership navigate challenges, and inform critical business decisions – making it an invaluable strategic partner.


Dr Smile’s finance team took advantage of Abacum’s quick 4-week onboarding to revamp their FP&A process. Just in time to add value to their month-end reporting.




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